Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom! And other updates.

I know this isn't our mom, but it's an historic mom. (a historic?) Her name is Joyce, which is nothing like Lynnelle, but still. Shut up and pretend with me. I love my mommy. She's the best mom I've ever had. It was her birthday a little while ago, so I'm late, but I still love her. I promise. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!

Other exciting things that have happened lately... I saw this movie:

it was bad. Not just bad, BAD BAD. Not even the comic genius of Steven Martin could resurrect it. I could smell the surprise ending from the beginning and I think I laughed most not at the movie but at an old couple as they left the theater. The old woman was walking down the steps just laughing until she said, "If that doesn't make you laugh, then nothing will! Hahaha... There's a big fight at the wedding: AND THEY LEAVE! Hahaha...." And then she went on to quote the big last ending line which was so funny that I've already forgotten it. It was really cute. And funny. The couple, not the movie. Miss that movie at all costs. Though it was a big win with the people under 14 and over 60 in the theater.

My roommate Izzie, pictured here:

is in Moscow, ID for an acting competition. (yes Allie, that's that Harry Potter book.) I wish her all the luck in the world, even though if her scenes win she doesn't really win. She went as a scene partner for Kris, who was selected to compete. The moral of this story is that I'm home alone and I don't like living alone. It's awfully lonely.

Just yesterday I finally got ALL of my stuff from Malia's house. Among those things was a COUCH! So now, my apartment is officially furnished, though not even close to unpacked. Maybe I'll surprise Izzie by finally finishing that. Maybe.... that sounds like an awful lot of work. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll post before and after pictures. That also sounds like work... Well, the point is that we have a couch and Wireless Internet! Go us! And by us I really mean just me. Go me!

I also got a HAIRCUT. PROFESSIONALLY. Which is really cool. Because normally I just let Malia hack at it until it resembles what I want. (She actually does a fine job, but I feel her technique may be slipping with lack of practice.) So I went to Super Cuts and paid my $12 and got a simple, but adorable hair cut. It makes the bangs that I had tried to trim mere days before but had cut crooked, and then tried to straighten out and ended up being about an inch shorter than wanted/anticipated look a lot less retarded. My new hair cut is pictured below:

I like this haircut a lot. A lot a lot.

So, there are some updates for now. I gotta go though. It's time to wake up Nes.


Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

I like you a lot. A lot a lot. I can't wait to visit you next month and check out your new digs! Love you!

Me said...

funny you would mention that couch, becasue last night i went to malias, and noticed a serious lack of couch :)

its sad when not even steve martin can save a movie.