Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my pop's birthday! The little boy in that picture is named James Hite. Just like my dad, who's birthday is today!

ALSO, last night's Groundhog Day celebrations when splendifurously well! It was a small party, just Patrick, Cameron, and me, but a lovely party! Everyone participated in the craft and they turned out hilarious.

The groundhog holding the heart isn't as sweet as he looks. He actually is a vampire with a case of the bumble foot. (a condition rats get from walking on cage floors instead of padded liners) Cameron made that little buddy. The lovely girlie groundhog was made by yours truly. We later found out she is also madly in love with NPH. (see picture below) The very dapper gentleman groundhog has blue fur and a tuxedo... and was made by Patrick. These were way too much fun to make, especially as the semi-adults we are.

1 comment:

Karl Hite said...

paper groundhogs are the new baby sloth. Good find on the historic James Hite.