Saturday, September 6, 2008

Awesome-est Shirt Idea... EVER!

I wan't to make a t-shirt that spells my name with elements! My elements would be: Calcium, Iodine, Thallium, and Indium. It would look like this: CaITlIn Awesome, right? I can also spell SmAlGe and GaBi and HYPo and that's all I've bothered looking into.


Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

That is an amazing idea! You're the coolest!

Nathan said...

back in hischool one of the science teachers had one that said...

better living through science

Kristine said...

Caitlin! I love that you have a blog!

And your shirt idea makes me think of sunday school at BYU. We were in rooms that were normally used for biology classes, and the periodic table was always posted on the wall. So I'd amuse myself by playing Periodic Table Boggle the entire time. Good times...