I've been on a date. With the second non dater I mentioned in the original post. His name is Jarrod. I never need to go on a date with Jarrod again. He's a fine guy. Just not my fine guy. I've obviously mellowed a little on this topic. I realized that I don't actually want to date anyone right now. Dating freaks me out. I'm cool with just having some dude friends and hanging out with those dude friends with the rest of my other friends. Yeah.... freaking me out. I don't want to date you.
I'm cool with being a lone wolf.
But, if I change my mind, be the first in line (but not Jarrod). Honey I'm still free. Take a chance on me.
Way to go ABBA slash Mamma Mia! for knowing exactly how I feel into words. haha.
Also, I saw Mamma Mia! four times in theaters. Twice normal, twice SING ALONG!!! It was amazing.
I've been working on a post called, "Christmas List: An Addendum" I learned that word, addendum, in college. I love it.
Dev is Back in Town
7 years ago