Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I don't feel like blogging.

The only interesting things I have to report on are my continuing efforts to become eligible to transfer to a UC and the fact that I'm still poor. But we both knew that. I don't know what else to say. Sometimes I realize that I'm actually smarter than people when they say stupid stuff. And I've been watching Deedee's dog/house. I'm supposed to go to a b-day party and a BBQ today. I don't want to go to either. I'm suffering sleep debt because of the Olympics. I don't want to start school again. And I really, really, really, need a job. I'm closer to being able to transfer that I thought. It's not too stressful. And I got a bunch of stupid student loans. But that's actually really helpful. I don't take pictures of anything, but I bought a magnet board for $2.50 at Target yesterday. I'm using it to help me stay organized with all that college stuff. I need to write another one-act play for the festival this year. I also need to not suck at acting anymore. I'm a ward missionary and I like it alright. I'm in charge of the missionary dinner calendar. It's ridiculously hard to fill that thing up sometimes. I've earned so much respect for anyone who has ever held that seemingly benign calling. I've signed up for the SAT II Subject Tests. I'll be if not the oldest test taker in the room, the most advanced in school. But I bet that I don't suck the worst. I had to go see The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor again yesterday. That movie is honestly one of the most plot and character bankrupt movies I've even seen (and enjoyed... slightly). Not as bad as When a Stranger Calls though. "It was pretty good. I mean, it was kinda scary. I liked it. But it was just okay I suppose. It was bad-ish, I mean it lacked a lot... Worst movie I've ever seen." Karl and Zach should appreciate that little tidbit of awesomeness. Well, I gotta go. I need to wake up the boy I watch in the morning. We have to leave for camp in 10 minutes. He doesn't like breakfast anyway.

1 comment:

Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

Movie bankrupt of character and plot: have you seen Mama Mia? I was laughing so so much. And I was laughing AT the movie, not with it, I assure you. One of the best unintentionally funny movies I've seen in years. Right up there with The Wicker Man.